
a gui application for Less, Sass, Compass and CoffeeScript compilation.

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Koala is a GUI application for Less, Sass, Compass and CoffeeScript compilation, to help web developers to use them more efficient.Koala can run in windows, linux and mac.



v1.4.1 release changelog



Please see the wiki of koala here.


In case you encounter an issue, you can open a ticket on Github. Also feature requests can be entered here: Github issue tracker
Or, you can send e-mail to author: lain.z.q@gmail.com
Twitter: @OKLai
Google+: @Ethan Lai


Ethan Lai, web developer, blog: http://oklai.name
Max Deng, interaction designer, blog: http://weibo.com/cooldz
Leott Liu, visual designer, blog: http://t.qq.com/se7en860313


Koala 1.4.1 (New)2013-6-21

  • Fix bug: version 1.4.0 can't run.
  • New features: project settings, see the doc here.
  • Compass full supports.
  • Minimize on startup.
  • Press "Esc" key to close the settings and log window.
  • Update Less to version 1.4.0.
  • Update CoffeeScript to version 1.6.3.
  • Add Japanese language.
  • Improved UI.

Koala 1.3.1 (mac only) 2013-6-3

  • Fix a bug: can't recognize files if forder has some file with the prefix "_".

Koala 1.3.0 2013-5-23

  • New features: allowed to switch run LESS , Sass and others directly, if them already installed on user computer.
  • New features: increase the "open file" option in the context menu.
  • Set the default output path for the directory at the same level with the project directory under css/js directory, for example: ./less -> ./css.
  • Fix a bug: compilation error when directory name contains spaces.
  • Fix a bug: config.rb parse error cause project can not be added
  • UI improvements, tip refresh file list status.
  • Increase the version number.

Koala 1.0.2 2013-4-28

  • Fix 1.0.1 version crash under proxy network environment.

Koala 1.0.12013-4-24

  • Settings file dialog initial path for the project directory path.

Koala 1.0.1 beta22013-4-18

  • Fix bug: to modify the file output path doesn't take effect immediately

Koala 1.0.1 beta12013-4-17

  • Used by default of compass config.rb.
  • Multi-file operations, set outpath and delete function.
  • Support Add file into the current project.
  • Fix doesn't save project data bug.
  • Fix doesn't start Mac OSX bug.