Koala is a GUI application for Less, Sass, Compass and CoffeeScript compilation, to help web developers to use them more efficient.Koala can run in windows, linux and mac.

- Multi-language Support: support for Less,Sass, CoffeeScript and Compass Framework.
- Real-time Compilation: listening files, compile automatically when the file changes, that everything is running in the background without user action.
- Compile Options Support: you can set the compiler options for each file.
- Compression: auto compress code after compilation is completed.
- Error Notification: if encountered an error during compilation, koala will pop up the error message.
- Cross-platform: koala can run in windows, linux and mac.
Please see the wiki of koala here.
In case you encounter an issue, you can open a ticket on Github. Also feature requests can be entered here: Github issue tracker
Or, you can send e-mail to author: lain.z.q@gmail.com
Twitter: @OKLai
Google+: @Ethan Lai
Ethan Lai, web developer, blog: http://oklai.name
Max Deng, interaction designer, blog: http://weibo.com/cooldz
Leott Liu, visual designer, blog: http://t.qq.com/se7en860313
Koala 1.4.1 (New)2013-6-21
- Fix bug: version 1.4.0 can't run.
- New features: project settings, see the doc here.
- Compass full supports.
- Minimize on startup.
- Press "Esc" key to close the settings and log window.
- Update Less to version 1.4.0.
- Update CoffeeScript to version 1.6.3.
- Add Japanese language.
- Improved UI.
Koala 1.3.1 (mac only) 2013-6-3
- Fix a bug: can't recognize files if forder has some file with the prefix "_".
Koala 1.3.0 2013-5-23
- New features: allowed to switch run LESS , Sass and others directly, if them already installed on user computer.
- New features: increase the "open file" option in the context menu.
- Set the default output path for the directory at the same level with the project directory under css/js directory, for example: ./less -> ./css.
- Fix a bug: compilation error when directory name contains spaces.
- Fix a bug: config.rb parse error cause project can not be added
- UI improvements, tip refresh file list status.
- Increase the version number.
Koala 1.0.2 2013-4-28
- Fix 1.0.1 version crash under proxy network environment.
Koala 1.0.12013-4-24
- Settings file dialog initial path for the project directory path.
Koala 1.0.1 beta22013-4-18
- Fix bug: to modify the file output path doesn't take effect immediately
Koala 1.0.1 beta12013-4-17
- Used by default of compass config.rb.
- Multi-file operations, set outpath and delete function.
- Support Add file into the current project.
- Fix doesn't save project data bug.
- Fix doesn't start Mac OSX bug.